A man's tie says it all subliminally!
Yesterday afternoon, Anthony Weiner stood at the podium at a noisy press conference (where angry upstarts in the unruly gallery below the floodlights shouted out obscenities at the beleaugered politician caught with his pants down) and informed frenzied members of the press that he was resigning his post as Congressman for the 9th District of New York.
A cheer when up in the crowd!
At this juncture, though, a sad "sick" chapter of Weiner's professional and personal life came to a sorry close on a sour note.
In spite of that moment of closure, folks are still shaking their heads in total disbelief, today.
Did the high-profile Government official actually thinkFacebook) without getting his dick caught in the wringer?
As one pundit astutely notely:
"Weiner had a death wish, obviously."
Of course, there were other glaring missteps which hastened his shocking demise.
Fashionistas have been babbling about the obvious for days!
For example, in one of the e-mails that was offered up at a News Conference to establish evidence of Weiner's wrongdoing, it was pointed out that the horndog actually lamented to one gal pal that his "package" wasn't getting the respect that it deserved.
Well, if that was the case, it was Weiner's own fault from the very get-go!
I dare say.
After all, those dreary grey boxers Weiner donned for his first incident of sexual hijinks were - not only an unsightly eyesore in respect to style - but also sadly lacking in the tightie-whities erotica department as well (especially when it comes to the oh-so-touchy art of sexual foreplay).
For starters, any underwear that "flattens out" the "junk" - or rides-up unflatteringly at the crotch is a definite no-no.
In a nutshell?
Weiner should have modelled a few sexy underthings first in front of a full-length mirror (rehearsed a few sexy poses, too) before snapping and zipping off those pedestrian publicity stills which left a lot to be desired in respect to arousal potential.
With that in mind, here's a selection of sexy underthings sure to "blow" their load next, time!
Let me know how 'ya make out Anthony, eh?