The last time I spied Britney Spears poolside in the desert oasis was a couple of years ago when I attended the local film festival - CineVegas - at a handful of venues around town.
I was interviewing celebs on the red carpet when I happened to strike up a rapport with a couple of the local paparazzi who plied me with juicy inside tidbits about Ms. Spears.
Scandal-ridden Brit was suffering from the blues when she jetted in to town for a respite from it all that week.
"Britney is hunkered down in a Condo upstairs," one of the professional snoops confided in me.
"She's a good friend of the Hotel owner, George Maloof," he underscored, as an afterthought.
I was quite familiar with the scuttlebutt.
Ms. Spear's musical persona was in the dumper and rumors abounded that Maloof was going to sign her to a contract with the specific aim of raising up her wobbling career like a Phoenix from the ashes.
The two outgoing down-to-earth dudes were hanging out downstairs anxious to get a "money shot" before she skipped town.
"Good luck," I chuckled, as I headed off to a chic soiree I was invited to on the pool deck.
Shortly after I sauntered in, there was as definite buzz in the air.
Although Britney made a quiet entrance into the par-tay through a side-door, the news swept through the upscale party guests quicker than the speed of lightning, that the scandal-ridden Pop Queen was in their midst!
I reported on the event at the time.
Post: 07/14/2008
By the way, I couldn't resist strolling by the vicinity where she was holding court, to get a gander myself.
Britney and I actually exchanged glances!
Now, her handlers have announced that Britney will be attending the Grand Opening of Nikki Beach at the newly-renovated Tropicana Hotel on the weekend, after she performs live! on stage in a much-anticipated Las Vegas concert. (which I expect will be a sell-out).
No doubt, long queues will form at the glittering Hotel on that celebrated evening, when the young DIVA makes her grand entrance into the frenzied swirl of Las Vegas social life!
See 'ya there!