On Friday afternoon (at the height of the Anthony Weiner scandal) frenzied shutterbugs fell all over themselves outside of the Congressman's (former) office in the 9th Circuit in NYC (a couple fell on their asses and ended up in prickly bushes licking a wound or two) in a bold-faced effort to snap a "money" shot as the beleaguered politician attempted to make a quick escape to his quiet home in Queens (!).
Meanwhile, smut King - Larry Flint - mused over the scandal on the sidelines.
I imagine he was rubbing his lecherous hands with glee!
Before you could say "Drop your drawers", the head honcho at Hustler Magazine - who faced one major skirmish on the issue of obscenity in the Supreme Court (and won!) a scant few years ago - the sly devil was making a bid for Anthony Weiner's "package" (without the wrapping, of course!).
Although the pundits are predicting that Weiner is all washed up - it appears that the horndog may have a career opportunity blossoming on the horizon (more to his erotic tastes) in the porno industry.
Would you spring ten bucks to catch Weiner doing it doggie-style?
How about a sizzling hot tryst on-camera featuring Ryan Reynolds and the naughty politician jerking off to Spanish Soap Operas?
Ryan Reynolds
Post: 06/18/2011
Of course, there will be a reality show, a line of sexy (package flattering) tightie-whities, and - well, the sky is the limit - isn't it?
Who knows, he may end up on the sex channel in local Motel rooms around the country.
Only in America, eh?