In the wake of the news that Osama Bin Laden was killed during a JSOC stealth attack on an upscale high-security compound just hours ago a few miles outside of the Capitol of Pakistan - where the terrorist leader was reportedly in-hiding - sources are reporting now that the al qaeda leader's body has been buried at sea!
A mind-boggling end scenario?
Conspiracy theorists are already speculating that there may be a cover-up underfoot by the U.S. Government.
Did the powers-that-be slip up?
Notwithstanding, questions are being raised about the role that the Pakistan military played in the ambush - that resulted in the "alleged" death of the terrorist leader - who was considered to be the mastermind behind the 911 attacks on the celebrated "Twin Towers" in New York City almost a decade ago.
The fact that Osama Bin Laden was moving freely in an upscale neighborhood in Pakistan (undetected?) - over the past few months - has raised quite a few eyebrows (to say the least!).
Needless to say, media outlets are pointing accusing fingers at this hour.
In response, the Pakistan Government has asserted - in no uncertain terms - that they were part of the military action tonight which "allegedly" felled Osama Bin Laden (and one of his sons).
When it comes to the world's most intriguing unsolved mysteries - will Osama Bin Laden be elevated to cult status - to join the ranks of such tragic legendary figures as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Marilyn Monroe?
News at 11!
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