Justin has his own little Monsters!
Cyber attack on the competition!
Josh Groban has a posse of 'em.
And, now - it appears from a flurry of cyber attacks last night on the Internet - that the "Bieb" has a gang of those die-hards, too!
On the heels of a loss to rising young Pop Star (Esperanza Spalding) in a much-coveted Grammy Award category broadcast live last eve - wacko dedicated Bieber "fans" swarmed the pervasive World-Wide-Web - and took matters into their own dainty highly-polished hands!
Within minutes of scooping up the prize, authorities - and webmasters, too - reported that a glut of irate "Bieber" babes launched a nasty assault on Esperanza's Official web site to utter up their disdain.
There outta be a law, right?
Needless to say - the "Bieb" was most apologetic - in the aftermath!
In fact, in the glitzy environs back-stage a few moments earlier, Justin was inclined to be a good sport about it all.
The polite Pop Icon (from Stratford-on-Avon) even gushed congratulations to the talented young musical beauty who scooped up the Golden Trophy many thought was the "Bieb's" by birthright!
Hell hath no fury like a Bieber fan scorned, eh?
New at 11!