A dishy - silver-haired Roseanne Barr - has been turning up at book-signing gigs to affix her familiar "Joan Henry" to a spanking bullsh** tome on sale on bookshelves this week at top retailers around the country.
The mature look - some say a tad reminiscent of the one Diane Keaton sports like a comfortable old sensible shoe - suits the grand old dame of stand-up and sitcom comedy to a "t".
For the most part, Ms. Barr appears to be at peace with herself and the world.
Not with Facebook, however!
The racy comedienne - undisputed Queen of the snappy comeback - found the high-profile social hub a frustrating annoying experience.
"I thought I would join Facebook to keep my fans updated. But, the members on the site are only keen on chatting about themselves. They don't want to hear about me or what I have to say," she laughed cynically i so many words to a TV host during the course of an off-the-wall interview yesterday.
'Ya don't say!
Wasn't the much-ballyhooed tattooed lady hip to that fact (long before she logged on to become a member of the self-serving site) that the concept of "Me, Myself, and I" reigns supreme?
The founders didn''t come up with the name - Facebook - for no good reason.
A web sight that focuses on "face" values is a losing proposition for intelligent sentient beings seeking like-minded souls (even a meaningful dialogue) in the overall scheme of things.
Mensa is more up your alley, Roseanne!
See 'ya at their next meeting, eh?