It appears that Justin Bieber is intent on proving his "acting chops"!
Perhaps the teen pop flavor of-the-month can see the writing on the wall?
At Facebook, or wherever!
A teenie-bopper's crush can be fickle, after all, in the topsy-turvy world of sexy young Pop Stars.
Just maybe, Bieber is seeking to make a star turn - and thus - gain a solid foothold in show biz as a respected actor?
Can some coaching, or a stage production in New York, be far behind for the Kid wonder?
Inquiring minds want to know - as Justin returns to CSI this week in an episode - to reprise his role as a troubled teen on the celebrated crime show.
The "Bieb" with the bob made his acting debut on the hit night-time drama originally in the role of Jason McCann.
The pop singer's scenes (being shot this week) are slated for broadcast on February 17th.
By the way, the sensual young heart-throb's 3-D biopic (replete with concert footage) - "Never Say Never" - is due out next month as well.
Bieber will undoubtedly be quite the high-profile Valentine (can 'ya hear the hearts go pitter-patter?) up for grabs in February, eh?
Unless that new sweetie in his life has anything to say about it!
News at 11!

Actor's looks!