After a week of testimony and strenuous court theatrics - a Judge presiding over a preliminary hearing pertaining to the mysterious death of Michael Jackson - has ruled that Dr. Conrad Murray must face manslaughter charges for his complicity in the sudden demise of the King of Pop.
When Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor handed down his verdict yesterday, he also stripped the doctor of his medical license, on the grounds that Murray was a threat to the community-at-large.
Specifically, the Jurist noted for the public record - that to allow Murray to continue to practice medicine - "would constitute an imminent danger to public safety."
During the course of the six-day preliminary hearing - a media frenzy prevailed outside on the courthouse steps - as a posse of witnesses (upwards of twenty in number) paraded through a gauntlet flanked with media hounds and into the courtroom to give testimony which kept rapt onlookers in the gallery on the edge of their seats.
Members of the Michael Jackson's family were in attendance throughout most of the hearing, but tended to remain silent during the course of the proceedings or when approached my overjealous reporters.
According to the Judge, evidence presented at hearing by prosecutors showed "a direct nexus in connection between the acts and omissions of Dr. Murray and the homicide in the case".
Subsequently, it was the order of the Superior Court that Dr. Conrad Muray stand trial on charges of manslaughter.
No doubt, the trial will turn into a media circus, too.
Stay posted, eh?