Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot! Demented shooter's murderous rampage in Arizona!

In the aftermath of the shocking attack this afternoon in Arizona on popular Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords - and others (which resulted in a couple of deaths) - questions are being raised around the country.

Why did the gunman - 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner - manage to skillfully maneuver and carry out the disturbing premeditated act?

How was the troubled shooter able to avoid detection once his murderous plot was underway at the shopping mall where Gifford appeared for a casual (but publicized) gathering to meet-and-greet constituents in District 8?

In a statement earlier this afternoon, Governor Brewer underscored that it was important to maintain an "open house" where voters were able to exercise their right to access to elected Government officials.

On the heels of that comment, News anchors reported that Congresswoman Giffords shared the same political philosophy.

In fact, it was noted that as a matter of habit the well-liked politician often appeared after a stump - to interact with members of the community.

Although the details are still sketchy, it doesn't appear that Giffords was the sole target of the demented shooter.

Curiously, a Federal Judge who put in a spontaneous appearance at the event (he was shot and killed) previously ruled on a controversial illegal immigrant issue which resulted in documented death threats in the past.

Was he in Loughner's sights?

Investigators dredged up video tape recordings on the suspect's YouTube web page in which he rambled on about "illiteracy" in District 8, a new currency, 1st Amendment rights, and a loss of trust and faith in God.

A sick puppy?

Coincidentally - just last week - the Congresswoman publicly recited key sections of the 1st Amendment.

Some say, that specfic reference to - "the rights of the people to have redress with the Government" - may have been what triggered the shooting rampage earlier today.

President Obama - who referred to the Congresswoman  as a good friend - expressed his heartfelt sorrow about the sad turn-of-events with a promise to get to the "bottom" of it.

It appears that the suspect was on the edge of the abyss these past few days - and for some inexplicable reason - finally toppled into it.

Regardless, the President confirmed he instructed FBI Director Robert Mueller to head up what is expected to be an intense thorough investigation over the next few weeks.

A nurse, watching a news alert alongside me, lamented that "this is what happens" when the Government fails to take care of the mentally-ill who currently wander the streets aimlessly and without hope in what some refer to as the "end days".

I noted that in a civilized society, it is the duty of the strong to take care of the weak.

She laughed cynically in response.

"People may agree with that compassionate thought in theory.  But, when it gets down to the nasty nitty-gritty, they gripe about the cost."

If that is the case, it is important that Americans vote politicians into office who not only care - but are capable of effecting change - as quickly as possible.
