Cher...Pop Diva's final shows at Caesar's Palace! January 11th - February 5th!


Cher - the unsinkable legendary Pop Diva - is gearing up for a round of "Final Shows" to kick-off at the Colosseum on January 11th.

If 'ya missed the last couple of sell-out gigs in the desert oasis - listen up

This may be the Pop Diva's last bodacious bow.

Rumor has it that the old trooper - still able to trip-the-light-fantastic with a modicum of flair & ease - is about to hang up a drawer-full of soiled silky g-strings - and bevy of bejewelled feathers and billowing boas - for a life in the slow lane (if she has her druthers).

You go, girl!

News at 11!

