American Idol...ratings down with 18-49 age demographic! Fox nonplussed!

Jennifer Lopez unable to lure viewers!

The critics must be howling today.

Or, rubbing their hands with glee, quipping righteously:

"I told 'ya so!"

In spite of a full-blown promo for the season opener - Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, and Ryan Seacrest appeared on Jay Leno's Late Night talk show this past week to smooze about the upcoming season's dynamic bill-of-fare, for instance - the ratings were a no-show in many respects.

On the heels of the exit of the Bitchy Brit - Simon Cowell - "American Idol" (TV's No. 1 show) finally got a kick in the teeth from their once-loyal fan base in an all-important demographic around the country.


According to the Nielsen Company, Wednesday's viewers tapped out at a mere 26.1 million viewers.

The numbers reflect a downward spiral of thirteen percent for the Karoke-style contest which faired well right up until its near death knell when the Fox prime-time winner suffered a bit of a shake-up in personnel and morale on the airwaves and in the trashy tabloids at the supermarket check-out stand. last year.

But, even still, Fox is not one to cry the blues.

With a stiff upper lip, top brass at the alternative Network asserted this morning (to save face?) that the loss in numbers was in line with projections.

At least one performer is smiling.

Paula Abdul, how was your day?

Abdul & Cowell chemistry a ratings-getter?