In some cultures, a Shaman is either a "witch doctor" or a prophet (or both).
Essentially a "healer", he (or she) is often chosen by a spirit guide (or given a sign) -and thereafter - is initiated into the realms of the Shamans to perform their miracles.
During a trance state - often induced by way of the beating of the ceremonial drum and sacred chanting - the witch doctor is guided by the spirits.
Usually, the Shaman works on behalf of a member of the tribe, and attempts to effect a healing.
For those who are troubled by disturbing dreams - especially in these uncertain economic times - the Shaman recommends that the individual craft (or purchase) a Dream Catcher to ward off negative influences.
According to Plains Indian Chiefs, a dream catcher should be hung by the window or at the head of the subject's bed.
Bad dreams that float from evil sources get caught in the web at the center of the dream catcher which is also decorated with feathers, lucky beads, and powerful symbols deep-rooted in the ancient culture.
The good dreams work their way through an opening at the center of the intricate mystical web, rest on the feather like a dew drop, then evaporate to become one with the Great Spirit in the morning sun.
Plenty of that in the Desert Oasis, eh?
The prayer beads on the symbolic Dream Catcher trap all the evil nightmares that are left on the web, and thereafter, burn 'em up.
Sweet Dreams!