Stylish couple spawning pretty girl tot!

Beckham's twin boys will have a pretty bundle of joy to gush over in their tony digs - wherever that ends up being, of course - either on the West Coast in trendy LA LA LAND or back across the pond in jolly old England.Uh-huh!
Becks is still hankering to kick ball in the European leagues!
Lately, though, the hip expectant tattoed Dad has been beside himself about the sexual identity of the upcoming addition to the Beckham household - so the docs were asked to spill-the-beans - about the oh-so-highly anticipated birth on the horizon.
Now that the word is out, no doubt, Victoria Beckham will be splurging on frilly pretty things for the tot!
Just betcha, Posh has a few sketches on the drawing boards for a line of designer kiddie outfits for the soon-to-be babe-in-arms, as my tongue wags away and tattles all this very moment!
News at 11!
Becks aching to play in big leagues overseas!