Who said that grown men don't cry?
When management in the front office informed Brandon Belt that he was given the nod for a coveted spot on the twenty-five-man Giants roster for the upcoming baseball season, he did just that.
But, his were tears of joy!
"This has been a dream all my life. It's the best thing that ever happened to me," he tearfully confided to a posse of probing reporters who swarmed around the rookie yesterday afternoon to gobble up the scoop first-hand.
"Except for my marriage," he gushed in almost an after-thought, as his face turned beet red.
The kid is going to have to get used to the attention, I guess!
The news came as no surprise to me or my readers at the Tattler.
Yesterday, I pointed out that it was probably a "go" for the 1st Baseman amidst a lot of wild speculation (pro and con) that ran rampant in sports circles this past week.
Post: 03/30/2011
The move was a bit iffy for obvious reasons.
But, Bent's performance this last season in the minor leagues, grabbed the attention of the scouts, nonetheless.
During spring training, the shy ballplayer (who team mate Buster Posey has nick-named "Beller") hit at .282 with 3 homers and and 13 RBIs, enough bait to give the kid from nowhere a shot at the big leagues.
Notwithstanding, fans may recall that a rag-tag Giants team that was tossed together last season with a hope-and-a-prayer (and a lot of gumption of the part of the General Manager), roared on to win the World Championships.
One reporter on the nightly news referred to the Belt "break" as one of the "feel good" stories of the day.
Within hours of the announcement to the press, Belt hopped on a jet alongside the rest of the Giants, to journey on to Los Angeles where he'll play in the "Opener" against the Dodgers today.
Sports enthusiasts, meanwhile, are ecstatic.
In fact, so much so, that a posse of fans rustled up the funds to purchase a banner to hoist up over the stadium in LA LA LAND, which will read:
SF Giants 2010
Champs: Beat LA
The ubiquitous in-your-face slogan is 75 feet long and 50 feet high and was crafted at a cost of approximately $6,500.
Folks who can't make the game in person can catch it on ESPN or KNBR (680 AM).
I am predicting a win!
By the way, the Giants beat out the Oakland A's yesterday.

Dodger Stadium in smog city!
Dodger Stadium in smog city!