Charlie Sheen...jumps ship to Fox! Jimmy Kimmel good kisser!



Door still open?

Charlie Sheen (winning!) trotted out onto the stage of  a live! talk show last night and planted a big sloppy kiss on Jimmy Kimmel's mouth!

"Moist lips," Charlie grinned, as the audience beneath the footlights roared in approval!

If anyone knows anything about "moist lips", it's certainly the wild & woolly diminutive actor sweeping the Nation with his manic  (pathetic & desperate?) brand of humor!

And, Sheen was not without gifts, either.

Talk about swag!

The drug-addled superstar reached into his grab-bag of goodies and proceeded to plunk down a nifty coffee mug with the lovable image of a fox etched on its face.

Avid fans ecstatically cheered the "tiger blood" one on, also, as he tossed a bevy of t-shirts in their midst with some of his latest slogans (true gems) emblazoned on the front.



Though one should never look a gift horse in the mouth, the spontaneous moment begged the question.

Are the rumors true?

Tabloid gossips have been all a-buzz with the scuttlebutt that Sheen has signed on with the Fox network.

Well, the brass over there are no strangers to controversy, so go figure!

News at 11!

Charlie plays the perfect foil!