This gay old town is all-a-buzz over the sizzling news that still-sexy chanteuse - Britney Spears - will be hauling her pretty a** into the Bay area at the end of the month to entertain live! in front of the historic Art-Deco Castro Theatre.
Britney music enthusiasts are ecstatic!
In the wake of the initial scuttlebutt that floated around the blogosphere and in the mainstream media last week, all the juicy details of the Pop Star's itinerary have managed to leak out, fortunately for us nose-bodies in the biz anxious to be on top of things.
Tongues have been wagging that Brit is anxious to woo back LGBT fans who may have drifted from the fold in recent years to follow wildly popular Lady Gaga during her fall from Grace.
"Good Morning America" will play host to the concert which will be staged smack-dab in the middle of the bustling city.
Of course, Castro Street will be blocked-off, so die-hard commuters are forewarned to take heed to avoid getting caught up in a snarl of traffic on March 27th when the gig will be taped.
Britney's performance is expected to be broadcast a couple of days later on March 29th.
At press time, no estimates of the costs were forthcoming, but - just betcha - they'll be staggering!
But, generous ABC is footing the bill, so who cares?
Obviously, the suits at the Network have their eye on the ratings bonanza that lurks in the wings (and weeks) ahead.
I expect that advertisers are snapping up commercial spots right now - as I spout off at-the-mouth - to be sure they snatch up a piece of the hot-and-heavy action.
Ms. Spears will fly in to San Francisco a few days early, so she can meet-and-greet meet with a handful of local organizations - such as the "Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center" and the ever-popular "Larkin Street Youth Services" - for starters.
That's the giving spirit, Brit!
According to organizers, a lucky few will land free tickets to the event.
I expect local Radio Stations will be involved in contest give-a-ways 'til curtain call.
See 'ya there!

Little girl lost found herself again!