Down in the dumps and crying the blues?
Maybe a hot night on the town with a luscious babe on the arm is just what 'ya need to get the juices flowing!
But - just maybe - your dance card is empty.
Now, with a smidgen of scientific knowledge under your belt, you - too - can become a babe magnet!
According to a paper published a few months ago - by biologist Dr. Winnifred Cutler - splashing a dollop or two of pheromones in your favorite cologne may conjure up a magical elixir sure to send panting bimbos (in 3 out of 4 instances) in your lonely direction!
Pheromones were first uncovered in 1959 when biologists determined they were chemical substances excreted by animals to trigger reproductive behavioral responses from recipients of the same species.
Pheromones are naturally occurring substances the fertile body excretes externally which convey airborne messages to attract others of the same species.
Pheromones are now widely recognized as mediators that promote the survival of each species.
It was only a matter of time before scientists and savvy entrepreneurs in the multi-million-dollar scent industry would hook up (in the aftermath of the discovery) and develop practical applications useful to the male animal on the prowl in the jungles of the city after-hours.