Hell hath no fury like a prudish English bloke scorned!
Just ask the tattlers at the fleet street tabloids across the big pond.
Ofcom, the British watchdog that regulates the airwaves in normally-jolly old England, has announced that they will conduct an investigation stemming from a raucous incident which scandalized Brits in recent days on snooty Simon Cowell's popular telly entertainment Show (X-Factor).
And - you thought that Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake - boobed the light-fantastic a moon or two ago - eh?
According to sources, Christina Aguilera is in the hot seat for stripping down to sexy sweet-nothings impromptu - in front of approximately 14 million viewers.
To some - a heart-pumping-performance of two tunes from the soundtrack of her new flick (meant to evoke the raunchy appeal of pole dancing while boosting potential Burlesque ticket sales) - was "too orgasmic" for the dinner hour between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. in the evening.
In fact, a daily rag published out of London, labelled the daring show-stoppers featuring Aguilera (and Rihanna) an outright "storm of sleaze".
In fact, one journalist lamented:
"The message it sends out to a young and impressionable audience is so debasing and depressing."
Although a spokesperson for X-Factor swore up-and-down that the titillating gyrations were "appropriate" - a hail of angry tirades from viewers - tended to infer in the ugly mud-slinging aftermath it was simply not the case.
Ofcome was allegedly inundated with a flood of complaints - 2,750 - to be exact.
And, ITV - which aired the dirty laundry cum bill-of-fare - received 1500 protests criticizing the racy sexually implicit rant.
At this juncture, the meaning of "X" in the show's title, must be painfully obvious by now.
Simon should re-title the hit - "The Bump 'N Grind Effect" - eh?
News at 11!
X sells!