Lindsay Lohan..."Reform School Girls" next? B Movie limbo...



Lately, Lindsay Lohan's life has started to emulate a bad B Movie script, don't 'ya think?

One minute, the sexy starlett is struggling with her sanity (some would prefer she be trussed up in a straight jacket pronto), the next - she's giving a Judge the finger (well - ten - actually).

Now, it appears that Ms. Lohan is either in rehearsal for a flick about "Reform School Girls" - or just maybe - she's auditioning for the juicy role of "Frances Farmer" in an upcoming film bio.

Who knows?

According to insiders, Ms. Lohan assaulted a staff member at the Betty Ford Clinic, during her (um) respite from the after-hours night-club scene - at a resort for the humbled elite - who tend to be drug-adled or prone to gulp down a drinkie-pooh (or two) a tad too ambitiously!

Say it ain't so, Lindsay!

At a Press Conference yesterday, authorities confirmed that they responded to a 911 call - at which time - an employee of the infamous Betty Ford Drug Rehab Center accused the troubled show-biz personality of physical battery.

On the heels of the scandalous outburst - behave now, bitches! - the worker was terminated apparently.

But, the unexpected turn-of-events, only added grease to the fire!

"Wrongfully terminated," a lawyer has lamented to all within earshot.

The legal eagle has argued that the filing of a police report does not rise to the level of a breach of confidentiality, after all.

Picky! Picky! Picky!

His client only seeks compensation for her injuries (and the insult), after all!

What position does management at the reputable Betty Ford Clinic take?

"The worker violated patient confidentiality by speaking with the media," a spokesperson asserted for the record, without batting a sober eye.

A little bird tells me Ms. Lohan may be trotting back to Court in the event the incident is construed as a breach of her probation.

News at 11!