Good Riddance Day...Times Square good-bye to blues party!

Cast of American Idiot!

The cast of "American Idiot" will be on hand.

And, a posse of New Yorkers - with tongue-in-cheek - too!

The celebrated occasion?

The annual "toss the blues away" party!


Tomorrow, the masses will descend on Times Square with all their bad memories in town from 2010, to offer them up to a giant shredding machine smack dab in the middle of the mean streets of Manhattan!

The diligent few will arive around 12:00 noon on Broadway ( wrap is at 1:30 p.m.) between 46th & 47th Streets - to join in on a joyous occasion with the express intent of ensuring that - by the end of the week - the heady New Year will kick off fresh with a bang and a "pop" and all the "right stuff".

The most creative disposal paying homage to the momentous destruction of "human blues" will win a V.I.P. package to the "American Idiot" stage show currently entertaining audiences on Theatre row.

So, toss on some finery, and head down there on the morrow, eh?

I won't be there in person, but, I'll be there in spirit!

I'm shredding nasty memories of the entire AFI Public Relations staff - an elitist bunch of incompetent shits - who presided over the proceedings this year in Hollywood and ruined the festival for most die-hard movie buffs!

And, giving a good heave-ho to all the cashiers at - Rite-Aid, CVS and McDonald's - who had all the personality, intelligence, wit, and charm - of a worm to boot!

I'm praying next year will be mucho better, how 'bout you?

'Til then.

Times Square "Toss the Blues" party!