Julian Ayrs 5 Top Picks...Best Screenwriter! Oscar Race 2010!

If it isn't in the script, it probably won't end up on the silver screen.

And, even if it is - not matter how eloquently or succinctly expressed on the page - it might not either.

Of course, I am referring  to the written word!

If an actor or a director attempts to rewrite 'em - on the set, in their trailer, in the toilet room, wherever  - a lament from the author will undoubtedly ring out crystal clear from the edge of the great abyss - and harshly fall on all ears within earshot.

"Over my dead body!"

Even so, the almighty word is not always written in stone, once the artful turn-of-a-phrase has been rustled up out-of-the-blue.

I adhere to the old addage that words have power.

Words have the ability to - uplift, instill fear, inspire, cause hurt - you name it.

A wordsmith - with the magical gift to touch or utter up thoughts that resonate to the very core of a sentient being - is a rare and wonderful individual.

In the realm of screenwriting, in particular.

In the hands of a lesser talent - dialogue may end up stilted, a plot line inplausible, the ability to move one greatly lacking in emotion or righteous joy- you betcha!

As a former Literature Agent (who represented screenwriters) I can wholeheartedly attest to that fact!

With that in mind, I offer up my five (5) Top Picks for Screenplay for a feature film (Oscar Race 2010).

Here are the nominees not in any particular order:

Aaron Sorkin
The Social Network

David Seidler
The King's Speech

Joel & Ethan Cohen
True Grit

Michael Arndt
Toy Story

Billy Ivory
Made in Dagenham
