Monday Is Funday - Good Riddance Osama Bin Ladern

It seem that this weekend, while everyone was enjoying the Royal Wedding, the Americans finally put down the mad dog of the dessert - Osama Bin Laden. Not a bad accomplishment after 10 years of searching,

I wonder if the US will have the body stuffed and put on display in the Smithsonian, much in the same what that the former President Bush made a display out of Saddam Hussein's pistols.

Sure the boogie man is dead and we can get back to a more rational way of dealing with national security, right? We can until the next devil incarnate is brought forward to scare us and force us to institute harsher procedures that further suppress our freedoms. All this ever reaction seems to play right into our fears and in tern make us our own worst enemies.

Now that the middle eastern haters of the west finally have their martyr, I wonder if their terrorist activities will ramp up or slow down? I think we both know the answer to that question, at least in the short term.