Worker Bees - Decorate Your Cubicles

You can't really compare working in a school to working in an office so I have no idea what it's like to be a drone in a cubicle. A teacher has a lot more control over what they do in their day, how they choose to present lessons and just when it's appropriate to slack off when you need that bit of a recharge.

Planning for a substitute is often more work than just coming into the school when you are sick. One good thing is that I rarely got real sick after a few years because spending 10 months of the year in the human germ factories that are schools really builds up your immune system.

I found these posters on Super Punch that remind me of those great ones from WWII. Just don't show them to your office manager or it will be seminar time and I understand that those are just as boring and annoying as staff meetings or professional development days are for teachers.