Those Teletubbies were always hating on other races and calling us genetically 'inferior' stock. Got to give them credit, however, for seeing which way the wind was blowing back in 1930s Germany and tying their destiny to what looked like the Nazi winning team.
By 1945 they re-evaluated their alliagences and could tell the winds were changing again and defected to Great Britain along with the entire war plan Hitler had devised for a second Battle of Britain. Stinkin' opportunists are no more than collaborators in my book.
They should have been sent to the Nuremberg trials and hung after being found guilty. One of the true great injustices of the 20th century. Their single contribution to the Cold War space program - put food in toothpaste tubes so it wouldn't float all around the capsule. Well DUH, we could have figured that without their help.